Dolly Parton – rumori::edge Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Thu, 10 May 2018 21:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Dolly Parton – rumori::edge Dolly Parton – rumori::edge (Dolly Parton – rumori::edge) Copyright © Edge2.0 2010 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Dolly Parton – rumori::edge Edge2.228 Ping Pong Wed, 30 Jan 2013 22:56:51 +0000 You guessed it alright: this week a collection of music based on the sounds of table tennis. Quite amazing so many artists have been inspired by the sound of pong; what about Dolly Parton or Dutch composer / artist Dick Raaijmakers. Follow us on our journey through from the left to the right and back again.


You guessed it alright: this week a collection of music based on the sounds of table tennis. Quite amazing so many artists have been inspired by the sound of pong; what about Dolly Parton or Dutch composer / artist Dick Raaijmakers. You guessed it alright: this week a collection of music based on the sounds of table tennis. Quite amazing so many artists have been inspired by the sound of pong; what about Dolly Parton or Dutch composer / artist Dick Raaijmakers. Follow us on our journey through from the left to the right and back […] Dolly Parton – rumori::edge 57:22