exp etc – rumori::edge http://www.rumori.org Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Thu, 10 May 2018 21:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.5 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. exp etc – rumori::edge exp etc – rumori::edge artelse@gmail.com artelse@gmail.com (exp etc – rumori::edge) Copyright © Edge2.0 2010 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. exp etc – rumori::edge http://www.rumori.org/img/radionurse(144).jpg http://www.rumori.org Edge2.132 Experimental etcetera http://www.rumori.org/2010/09/15/edge2-132-experimental-etcetera/ Wed, 15 Sep 2010 21:55:17 +0000 http://www.rumori.org/?p=73 Right, a new week a new blog, this time it’s the incredible EXP ETC or experimentaletc.blogspot.com If a very wide variety of experimental music is your thing, you’ve found a treasury. Three years in existence and about a thousand posts and still speeding up.. where will it end? Into a complete discography of obscure japanese tape music? EXP ETC is your friend. looking for that seriously obscure Human Skab tape from the eighties? EXP ETC has it. Click the link and browse/download and we will never see you back.

Right, a new week a new blog, this time it’s the incredible EXP ETC or experimentaletc.blogspot.com If a very wide variety of experimental music is your thing, you’ve found a treasury. Three years in existence and about a thousand posts and still speed... Right, a new week a new blog, this time it’s the incredible EXP ETC or experimentaletc.blogspot.com If a very wide variety of experimental music is your thing, you’ve found a treasury. Three years in existence and about a thousand posts and still speeding up.. where will it end? Into a complete discography of obscure japanese tape music? […] exp etc – rumori::edge 59:48