failure – rumori::edge Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Thu, 10 May 2018 21:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. failure – rumori::edge failure – rumori::edge (failure – rumori::edge) Copyright © Edge2.0 2010 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. failure – rumori::edge Edge2.158 Drugs + Internet Failure Wed, 04 May 2011 22:01:33 +0000 Topic of this week: Drugs, but then the program was plagued by internet connectivity problems. Bill Cosby quizing children about drugs, a mad American clergyman raging against LSD, Kraut demons, a paddoman, Dope and Glory by Bea Foote, Stoned Muppets and BIll Hicks. A comprehensive list? Not likely.

If this weeks installment didn’t get you tuned up, we don’t know what will.

Topic of this week: Drugs, but then the program was plagued by internet connectivity problems. Bill Cosby quizing children about drugs, a mad American clergyman raging against LSD, Kraut demons, a paddoman, Dope and Glory by Bea Foote, Topic of this week: Drugs, but then the program was plagued by internet connectivity problems. Bill Cosby quizing children about drugs, a mad American clergyman raging against LSD, Kraut demons, a paddoman, Dope and Glory by Bea Foote, Stoned Muppets and BIll Hicks. A comprehensive list? Not likely. If this weeks installment didn’t get you tuned […] failure – rumori::edge 59:47
No Edge on 24/3 and 31/3. Thu, 01 Apr 2010 10:13:11 +0000 Due to obligations abroad on 24 March and unforeseen locked out conditions on 31 March, we were looking at a closed door at the OOG radio studio complex, no Edge these last two weeks. Sorry.
