soviet union – rumori::edge Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Thu, 10 May 2018 21:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. soviet union – rumori::edge soviet union – rumori::edge (soviet union – rumori::edge) Copyright © Edge2.0 2010 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. soviet union – rumori::edge Edge2.124 “Termen ne mreT” or “Theremin does not die.” Wed, 02 Jun 2010 21:32:53 +0000 Leon Theremin, inventor of the mystical instrument the Theremin that could be played by just waving one’s hand in the air. A sensation when invented around 1930, where Theremin travelled the world and became a spy, relaying technological information from the US to the SU. Theremists: Lydia Kavina, Clara Rockmore, Lucie Rosen, Dr Samuel J. Hoffmann, The Lothars, Rob Schwimmer, the Beach Boys and all time Theremin enthousiast Robert Moog.

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Leon Theremin, inventor of the mystical instrument the Theremin that could be played by just waving one’s hand in the air. A sensation when invented around 1930, where Theremin travelled the world and became a spy, Leon Theremin, inventor of the mystical instrument the Theremin that could be played by just waving one’s hand in the air. A sensation when invented around 1930, where Theremin travelled the world and became a spy, relaying technological information from the US to the SU. Theremists: Lydia Kavina, Clara Rockmore, Lucie Rosen, Dr Samuel J. […] soviet union – rumori::edge 59:48