tuva – rumori::edge http://www.rumori.org Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. Thu, 10 May 2018 21:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.5 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. tuva – rumori::edge tuva – rumori::edge artelse@gmail.com artelse@gmail.com (tuva – rumori::edge) Copyright © Edge2.0 2010 Radio Show Exploring the World of Auditive Esoterics. tuva – rumori::edge http://www.rumori.org/img/radionurse(144).jpg http://www.rumori.org Edge 2.149 Protest songs http://www.rumori.org/2011/02/02/edge-2-149-protest-songs/ Wed, 02 Feb 2011 22:39:45 +0000 http://www.rumori.org/?p=105 As the title says, songs about protest and jail recordings. Egypt, Billy Holiday, Rembetika, Tuva, Sir Lancelot and others.

Yodel lessons have resumed.

As the title says, songs about protest and jail recordings. Egypt, Billy Holiday, Rembetika, Tuva, Sir Lancelot and others. Yodel lessons have resumed. As the title says, songs about protest and jail recordings. Egypt, Billy Holiday, Rembetika, Tuva, Sir Lancelot and others. Yodel lessons have resumed. tuva – rumori::edge 59:48