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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Edge2.209 One before summer

This week the last Edge2.0 before the summer break. We’ll be back somewhere at the end of August. Enjoy. A list of auditive dingetjes: C•30 C•60 C•90 Go – Matmos (album: Recovery) Hyped-up Plus Tax – Dabrye (album: Bleep: A Guide To Electronic Music) Fremdzeitig – Felix Kubin (album: The Tetchy Teenage Tapes Of) Shisheido – Fennesz (album: Bleep: A […]


Edge2.208 Critical Thinking and The Voice of Reason

That’s right, Critical Thinking and The Voice of Reason, all important in our time and age. Johan Braeckman explains the traps of human thinking and how to avoid them. The first installments of a series? Will Braeckman become a regular on Edge, our in the ether philosopher? Playlist: BEST PARTY EVER (Bang Gang 12″) – Toecutter […]
