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Monthly Archives: February 2012

Edge2.192 Slow

Slow music at Radio Boredcast starting tomorrow for 744 hours. Some info on last weeks Sonic Acts festival in Amsterdam. Playlist: Slow Down for a Fast Trip – Von Spar (album: Die Uneingeschränkte Freiheit der Privaten Initiative) Radio BoredCast Trailer – Vicky Bennett ( HandJob – People Like Us (album: Recyclopaedia Britannica) If Someone Touches You […]


Edge2.191 Void

Shamelessly empty handed about a title for this weeks show. Space Patrol (Raumpatrouille) – Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra (album: Raumpatrouille) xx – Francois Bayle (album: xx) The Roots Of The Moment VI – Pauline Oliveros (album: The Roots Of The Moment) xx – Kid606 (album: xx) Halber Mensch – Einstürzende Neubauten (album: Halber Mensch) xx – Akiyama / Sugimoto (album: […]


Edge2.190 #MOEziek hottag launch.

Right, in sync with the current fashion of launching complaint hotlines in the Netherlands (PVV meldpunt overlast Oost-europa medelanders, in PVV parlance called MOElanders..)*, today we launch the Edge2.0 #MOEziek twitter hashtag for all complaints about irritating music being played on the radio. Simply add the #MOEziek hottag and an artist, song and radio station […]


Edge2.189 Ohne Titel

What a dull moment, no 11 cities in the frozen lowlands, ACTA still a threat to internet freedom and no other news really. Damn what a bore, but luckily there’re still some good music blogs around: EXP ETC to name a prominent one. Playlist: Japanil Kalyanaraman – Title Music (1985) – Raaja, Gansesh, Hamsalekha (album: Play That […]


Edge2.188 A Grab Bag of Unsorted Unrelatedness.

If this wasn’t Edge, this broadcast would be labelled as having no format. It is in fact a grab bag of an unsorted mess and that’s the beauty or fun if you like. Playlist: Baa Baa Black Sheep – Singing Sheep (single) Principle and Material Force – Nikolaus Urban (de Appel, single) It Ain’t Necessarily […]
