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Monthly Archives: September 2012

Edge2.213 Riot Inc.

Riots near Groningen, that surely is a long time ago and then in the small village of bourgeois Haren. So today the musical sound of riot incorporated in our show. Playlist: Feestbeest – Hakkûhbar (album: Vet Heftig) Party Bomb! – Sabrepulse (album: Chipbreak Wars) Revolution Action – Atari Teenage Riot (album: Atari Teenage Riot: 1992-2000) Assasins – Lightning Bolt […]


Edge2.212 Freeform episode 12

Indeed a freeform episode this week due to a lack of theme. Playlist: Tanz mit Laibach – Laibach (album: WAT) Radio Web MACBA – Kenneth Goldsmith (album: Memorabilia: Collecting Sounds with Kenneth Goldsmith, part II) Furniture Music, Part 1: Curtain of a Voting Booth – Erik Satie (album: Selected Works (Ensemble Ars Nova) Motherland Megamix – […]


Edge2.211 Stemmen

Again Dutch elections.. after the Fortuyn revolt about a decade ago, every two years, Dutch voters are required to voice their preference for a political party. Today marks a historic day as all the polls were utterly wrong and instead of a fragmented political landscape, voters en masse voted for the classic mid left and […]


Edge2.210 John Cage 100

Ok, we’re not original at all after the summer break and join the ranks of sites and other media outlets celebrating the 100th birthday of one of the 20th Century most influential composers John Cage. Playlist: Rozart Mix – John Cage (album: Music Before Revolution) Imaginary Landscape – John Cage (album: Siemens – Studio für Elektronische […]
