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Monthly Archives: October 2011

Edge2.176 The (Human) Microphone – part 2

Again we (local Boukor&remote Jeroen) pass the radio mic to mic-recordings, with this time quite a lot of short experimental works (mic reverberations, glitch (Richard Devine)), folky (rail road) songs (Henry Grady Terrell, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Mainer Band), blues field recording (Ralph Sheckel) and some beatboxing (Beardyman) & hip-hop (Eric B. & Rakim & Bo […]


Edge2.175 The (Human) Microphone – part 1

The mic mike microphone was invented in 1877. Since then sounds have been converted into electric signals, an essential element for making radio and recording sound. This week’s Edge radio episode offers a broad view on this topic: microphone experimentation with mixers/pedals (EBL), “ancient” preserved voice/music recordings, the insertion of a mic in your mouth […]


Edge2.174 Troubadours of the past and present – part 2

Political troubadours from South Africa open the show. Apartheid in the sixties and in the noughties juxtaposed. Then we get the human microphone from Occupy Wall Street reported by NPR, the rapper Immortal Technique and remote NYC-based Arthur Elsenaar in skype conversation with remote Jeroen. Again they discuss about OWS which is getting more organized […]


Edge2.173 Troubadours of the past and present – part 1

Edge radio knows no limits when it approaches the genre of singer-songwriter music and broadens it to include throat-singing, live beat-boxing with hip hop lyrics, neo-folk, electronic folk etc. which all are part of the ancient troubadour, or even more ancient bard/rhapsode/griot tradition. Troubadour music according to us is not just some guy playing chord […]
