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Monthly Archives: March 2013

Edge2.236 ES, PT

Or what have you? Spain and Portugal what gives? Playlist Ein Mensch Muss Ein Instrument Spielen – Francisco Lopez (album: Registro Del Voices) La increible historia d’en Roger Carolina – Cabo San Roque (album: Ball de Pistons) Nuestra Generacion Crece Feli – Esplendor Geometrico (album: Live In Utrecht) Atlas-Y – Esplendor Geometrico (album: Live In Utrecht) Criticar Por Criticar (Chicks on Speed & Christopher Just […]


Edge2.235 NO, SE or Searching for Hodell

Biased as we always are at Edge, most music we let pass by this week is dark, avant garde and up North. Luckily ABBA enlightens us at the opposite end of the show with a warm hearted thank you. But where is Hodell? Playlist: Heart And Soul – BJ Nilsen (album: Recovery) Searching – Arne Nordheim (album: Dodeka) Attack III […]


Edge2.234 NL, BE

NL, BE what else than music from this area on planet earth. Mostly the ppl inhabiting this piece of land speak a language understood by a very small percentage of the global populace. Playlist: Leader – Radio Rabotnik TV (album: Q.E.D.) waiting for zorro – Pseudo Code – (album: Insane Music For Insane People, Vol. 2) Don’t Lose Control – Snowy Red […]


Edge2.233 NY, NY

New York, New York, with music and field recordings of this (in)famous city of the avant garde. Playlist: New York, New York – Wendy Mae Chambers (album: Gravikords, Whirlies & Pyrophones: Experimental Musical Instruments) New York Social Life (1977) – Laurie Anderson (album: New Music For Electronic and Recorded Media. Women In Electronic Music) Lesson No. 2 – Glenn Branca (album: The […]
