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No Edge on 24/3 and 31/3.

Due to obligations abroad on 24 March and unforeseen locked out conditions on 31 March, we were looking at a closed door at the OOG radio studio complex, no Edge these last two weeks. Sorry.

Edge2.117 Auditive esoterica or how to pick up a bouncy mattress.

What is auditive esoterica or how to pick up a bouncy mattress.


Edge2.116 Oh dear what a mess!

Oh dear what a mess: voting computers, ACTA and the state of our studio abilities.


Edge2.115 Sonic Acts & chmod +x art festivals

Festivals: Sonic Acts: Poetics of Space in Amsterdam and Make art: chmod +x art in Groningen.


Edge2.114 Japanese experimental and the Olympics

Japanese experimental music. The Olympics and a surprise post-surgery visit by Remote Jeroen.


Edge2.113 8 bit musics, nintendocore, chiptune and creative commons.

Enjoy the world of 8 bit musics: nintendocore, chiptune and an introduction to creative commons.


Edge2.112 iPad & outsider music

iPad update and a focus on outsider music.


Edge2.111 Apple, IBM, 1984, importance of open standards and the new iPad.

The Obama of the tech world introduces the next device with severe restrictions management. Steve 1984 Jobs does it again, listen to him in 1984 and how Steve lost IT.


Edge2.110 Outer Limits, Controlling transmission, Baku, Stock, Hausen, Walkman

Outer Limits, Controlling transmission, Baku, Stock, Hausen, Walkman


Edge2.109 …
