Another Freeform episode with 2 baskets filled by 2 DJs (Boukor (for his – for now – final broadcast as a DJ for Edge) and Jeroen) with tracks of all sorts (as if when we pick a theme we aren’t eclectic in our playlist).
Lots of electronica with the two opening tracks by Orbital and Zwart Licht Commando showing resemblance, both part of die elektronische Musik Geschichte von Herbert Eimert. So are breakcore/lolicore artists Lolishit and A.V.シーザー and the Danish organ/synth player Tommy Seebach. Two mashup artists and Deerhoof form a more rocky contrast but at the same time they are clearly influenced by electronica and its endless possibilities.
Sarah Vaughan and Jack Bean’s songs transport us back to less electronic times, away from the booming hectic mashed-up samplescapes which so adequately express current city life..
Arthur has returned from NYC..the city that never sleeps..from next week on he’ll again join Jeroen to present his findings and those sonic pieces he already owns.
Happy & healthy 2012! We (Boukor & Jeroen) start off this year with, as can be read in the blog post subject, “Unusual musical instruments”. A bit strange for Edge to call something “unusual”, but when many of the recordings of obscure instruments are limited to lofi recordings – this indicates they are not yet added to the mainstream instrumentarium or are currently gaining more popularity.
In the playlist below I added the odd instrument between brackets. Enjoy!
After a silent messy start (technological probs) – with a track of Roxette as a filler – the traditional Christmas-themed Edge show with Boukor and remote Jeroen finally started off with Corporal Blossom’s remix of I’m dreaming of a white xmas. Lustmord then presented a rather grim Christmas track, with warfare continuing during the celebration of this holiday. Then the Jingle Cats mewmewing Little Drummer Boy followed by Xmas-Reggae (yes you read that right, another reggae track at Edge: we will try to represent the genre more evenly in the future..) by Tapper Zukie. Boyinaband then presented his xmas mix – 5 tunes in 10 electronic music genres. Another Little Drummer Boy remix – a slow one – by Bad Speler.
Jingle Bells is a classic as well and we selected 3 versions, a gabber (Kamikaze), rave (Music Maestro Please) and a music therapy (Inpatient Music Therapy Program) version. What genre did we miss more? Funk (Electric Jungle). Yodel (Margret Almer) and piano-rock (Trans-Siberian Orchestra, see video below) to end the programme with.
In 2012 we will return, and so will Arthur who will take over from Boukor again.
edit: Boukor will do 2 more broadcasts before Arthur returns!
Corporal Blossom – White Christmas
Lustmord – Silent Night
Jingle Cats – Little Drummer Boy
Tapper Zukie – Archie, The Rednose Reindeer
Boyinaband – Christmix
Bad Speler – Little Drummer Boy
Kamikaze – Jingle Bells (Hardcore Speedcore)
Music Maestro Please – Jingle hardcore bells
Inpatient Music Therapy Program, Univ Of Michigan Medical Center, Children’s Psychiatric Hospital – Jingle Bell Rock
While we generally in Freeform also present rather contrasty music choices we (Jeroen and Boukor) selected particularly contrasty ones in this “Extreme contrasts” episode. It’s something that in “normal” radio programming is often absent as is disrupts the gradual flow of fresh and stale pop tunes. In such shows/broadcasts DJ personalities are the ones who add contrast, by speaking fast and loud about everything amidst catchy jingles..
Masonna noise vs Madonna in a contemporary dubstep remix, Greek laments (Diamanda Galas) electronically layered by Khan, Ruins, cartoon music from the 50s and a bit later in avant garde stylee (Zorn) mixed with DJ trio (Erik M / DJ Olive / Christian Marclay) and ambient (The Arc), more noise by Stalaggh, Chinese sample reggae (Monkey: Journey To the Wes) and Lightning Bolt hitting the commercial block at the end.
Xmas edition next week!
Masonna – Untitled
Madonna – Like a prayer (Chaos Theory Dubstep Remix)
Diamanda Galas and Khan – Aman
Ruins – ruins – vrresto – 02 – warrido
Carl Stalling, Milt Franklyn, Treg Brown – Ready, Set, Zoom- (1955)
Stalaggh – Untitled
Christian Marclay – New York, September 17, 2000 – Erik M / DJ Olive / Christian Marclay
The Arc – Orphic Mysteries
John Zorn – Cat o’ Nine Tails
Monkey: Journey To the West – Monkey Bee (Diplo mix)
As the weather outside became wet, cold and windy – as it should be this time of the year – inside the studio of OogRadio some eclectic sounds were selected by Boukor. Freeform to the extreme, with tracks ranging from psychedelic soundscapes (Pink Floyd, Frank Zappa) to Russian electrorock (Алиса), atmospheric gabber (Neophyte vs The Stunned Guys), melodic synthy metal (Cradle of Filth), experimental electronica (Autechre) and rock (Deerhoof), and strangely mixed eurodance and dubstep/rock (East Clubbers, The Temper Trap). This brew was topped off with DJ Shadow & Cut Chemist’s mix of commercials.
Edge on repeat, yet again, by continuing, prolonging the mantra theme..Boukor in Groningen & remote Jeroen in Leeuwarden continued their search for mantras and found more 70s psychedelic krautrock (Popol Vuh, Zweistein) and 00s electronica (John benj). Then the black metal of Liturgy was mixed live with Terry Riley’s minimalist chance music, a nice combination of guitar and piano mantra music. Nordic atmospheres were introduced after the 10 commandments of how to behave in a cinema. And creepy Ligeti finished of the show, with a composition about spiders filling a bedroom with their webs..
I like repetitive music, we like repetitive music, we sure do. But we also like music with more chaos, contrast. So next week will go wildly astray, in proper Dutch, “van de hak op de tak” (“from the heel to the branch”).
Popol Vuh – Mantra
John benj – finding water on another planet
Zweistein – Track 4
Liturgy – Generation vs. Terry Riley – In C (part 1)
Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo’s Film Review – Wittertainment Code of Conduct
A submission recorded by Arthur Elsenaar of Maksim Katsnelsona, a street musician playing in Central Park NYC, inspired us (Boukor & Jeroen) to follow up with some more mantric tracks. Accordeon (Pauline Oliveros) and guitar (Sunn O)))) drones, repetition of the word f### (Osho), (abbreviated radio edits of) the inevitable trance-inducing Indian sitar in traditional (La Monte Young) and 70s krautrock (Popol Vuh) it all healthy, these repetitive instrumental and vocal tunes? It sure is if you take a “postmodern” approach to the mantra-theme: THE mantra is dead, long live the MANTRA!
More to come next week!
Maksim Katsnelson – Playing the secret notes (NYC 20-11-2011 Columbus Circle)
Pauline Oliveros – Fragments
Popol Vuh – Mantra 2
Sunn O))) – H&G (Foraging)
Negură Bunget – Ceasuri Rele
Osho – The Word “Fuck”
The Black Ghosts – Repetition Kills You (Diplo Remix)
This evening remote Jeroen and local Boukor decided it was time for another freeform edition of Edge. This meant we could give the floor to anything recorded, without having to find some link with a theme: we filled the ether with less and more obscure gems we found during our meticulous sonic searches, most of it having a link with the electronic music branch.
And to finish it all off we managed to have a clear skype connection with remote Arthur @a coffee shop wifi, who reported about the current state of affairs in downtown New York – of course referring to the OWS camp who are ready for the winter season. Occupy Radio, Occupy Media, here we come..
The xx – Infinity (Flufftronix Remix)
Charles Dodge – He destroyed her image
Bülent Arel – Postlude from “Music for a Sacred Service”
This week a pre-recorded edition of Edge with Boukor presenting some long classic experimental pieces, too long for an ordinary show. But as this is a home studio created episode such limitations are not in order. By passing the mic to the studio we conclude hereby the mic theme!
Again we (local Boukor&remote Jeroen) pass the radio mic to mic-recordings, with this time quite a lot of short experimental works (mic reverberations, glitch (Richard Devine)), folky (rail road) songs (Henry Grady Terrell, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Mainer Band), blues field recording (Ralph Sheckel) and some beatboxing (Beardyman) & hip-hop (Eric B. & Rakim & Bo Dank).
At the end we also featured several types of microphones: a geophone (recording seismic activity); a hydrophone (recording the recent tsunami in Japan) and a “pyrophone” (recording of burning gas pipes).
Next week a final home recorded episode with long experimental microphone-related pieces.
Jeff Morris – Tappatappatappa (short mix)
Richard Devine – Data Transmission Final
Ross Birdwise – Study for Voice, Space, Microphone and Computer 1
Henry Grady Terrell – Old John Henry Died On The Mountain
Ralph Sheckel – Tony Gave a Picnic
Beardyman – Live in the Underbelly (Edinburgh, 2009) (opening)
Eric B. & Rakim – Microphone Fiend
Bo Dank – Microphone Fiend
Mississippi Fred McDowell – Freight Train Blues
Mainer Band – Johnson’s Old Gray Mule
Furi – Seismic crisis in the Gulf of Aden 2010
NOAA – Underwater Microphone Captures Honshu, Japan Earthquake
Edge is in a cryogenic state and awaits to come back alive.
Auditive esoteric radio show transgressing the boundaries of music and listening. Critically assessing the impact of the digital revolution on music, life and the arts.
By: Remote Jeroen, Dormant Boukor and Local Arthur
Irregular column: SUB by Bouke Mekel and RVV a nano-station for the Radio Voor de Vrijheid.
Language: Dutch.