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Tag Archives: Esplendor Geometrico

Edge2.236 ES, PT

Or what have you? Spain and Portugal what gives? Playlist Ein Mensch Muss Ein Instrument Spielen – Francisco Lopez (album: Registro Del Voices) La increible historia d’en Roger Carolina – Cabo San Roque (album: Ball de Pistons) Nuestra Generacion Crece Feli – Esplendor Geometrico (album: Live In Utrecht) Atlas-Y – Esplendor Geometrico (album: Live In Utrecht) Criticar Por Criticar (Chicks on Speed & Christopher Just […]


Edge2.217 Sans Remote, Avec Disco

Remote Jeroen even more remote than usual, so an excellent opportunity to explore some disco. Playlist: Fatty Boom Boom – Die Antwoord (album: Ten$ion) Chase – Giorgio Moroder (album: Chase (US 12″ Promo)) Iron Blood Saw – Otto Von Schirach (album: Global Speaker Fisting) Cry – Petite M’Amie (album: Girl Friend Baby Doll) Either His, or Yours – Coil (album: Gold is the Metal) […]
