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Category Archives: broadcast

Edge2.194: A Fish, a Beep and a Car

Emergence is an interesting phenomenon, this week floating to the surface: a fish that doesn’t think, various beeps and a few cars. Playlist: Track 1 – Arnold Schwarzenegger (album: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Body Workout vol.2) The Doppler Effect – Bell Telephone Laboratories (album: The Science of Sound) Runnin’ & Gunnin’ – Hank Williams III (album: Assjack This Ain’t […]


Edge2.193 Punk, Islam, Yodel, Sheiks

Title says it all, more diverse than this summary can’t be beaten? Playlist: Marihuana Mantra – Kuno & The Marihuana Brass (album: The In-Kraut Vol. 1 – Hip Shaking Grooves Made In Germany 1966-1974) In den Bergen da bin ich zu Haus – Franzl Lang (album: Echo der Berge) Morgens, Mittags – Dat Politics & Felix Kubin (album: Plugs […]


Edge2.192 Slow

Slow music at Radio Boredcast starting tomorrow for 744 hours. Some info on last weeks Sonic Acts festival in Amsterdam. Playlist: Slow Down for a Fast Trip – Von Spar (album: Die Uneingeschränkte Freiheit der Privaten Initiative) Radio BoredCast Trailer – Vicky Bennett ( HandJob – People Like Us (album: Recyclopaedia Britannica) If Someone Touches You […]


Edge2.191 Void

Shamelessly empty handed about a title for this weeks show. Space Patrol (Raumpatrouille) – Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra (album: Raumpatrouille) xx – Francois Bayle (album: xx) The Roots Of The Moment VI – Pauline Oliveros (album: The Roots Of The Moment) xx – Kid606 (album: xx) Halber Mensch – Einstürzende Neubauten (album: Halber Mensch) xx – Akiyama / Sugimoto (album: […]


Edge2.190 #MOEziek hottag launch.

Right, in sync with the current fashion of launching complaint hotlines in the Netherlands (PVV meldpunt overlast Oost-europa medelanders, in PVV parlance called MOElanders..)*, today we launch the Edge2.0 #MOEziek twitter hashtag for all complaints about irritating music being played on the radio. Simply add the #MOEziek hottag and an artist, song and radio station […]


Edge2.189 Ohne Titel

What a dull moment, no 11 cities in the frozen lowlands, ACTA still a threat to internet freedom and no other news really. Damn what a bore, but luckily there’re still some good music blogs around: EXP ETC to name a prominent one. Playlist: Japanil Kalyanaraman – Title Music (1985) – Raaja, Gansesh, Hamsalekha (album: Play That […]


Edge2.188 A Grab Bag of Unsorted Unrelatedness.

If this wasn’t Edge, this broadcast would be labelled as having no format. It is in fact a grab bag of an unsorted mess and that’s the beauty or fun if you like. Playlist: Baa Baa Black Sheep – Singing Sheep (single) Principle and Material Force – Nikolaus Urban (de Appel, single) It Ain’t Necessarily […]


Edge2.187: MegaEdge

After the demise of the MegaUpload file hosting site, your source for fat free joyful listening remains on air; MegaEdge, tolerated never mimicked. Playable in glorious 192kbps stereo: Historic recording of three Dutch boys that managed to escaped the Netherlands during WWII (BBC?) – (album: Nederland in de Oorlog 1940-45 – Een reeks oorspronkelijke opnamen.) […]


Edge2.186 SOPA PIPA It’s Black Internet day

It’s black, it’s bad, it’s SOPA, it’s PIPA, it’s Internet censorship protest day. Edge2.0 won’t go black, but discusses the horrific consequences of the US proposed legislation. Playlist: Berlitz Drama – Hermann Painkiller – Blackhole Dub (album: Collected Works) Krakkkbot – Children of Tomorrow dying Today (album: BLAK MUSK / ALPHA VVAVS) Robert Nighthawk – Black […]


Edge2.185 Freeform episode 10

Another Freeform episode with 2 baskets filled by 2 DJs (Boukor (for his – for now – final broadcast as a DJ for Edge) and Jeroen) with tracks of all sorts (as if when we pick a theme we aren’t eclectic in our playlist). Lots of electronica with the two opening tracks by Orbital and […]
