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Edge2.165: Halbe

And so another Edge, finding the edge or is it the current government trying to find the edge of tolerance in nl with the current budget cuts on culture? Are we increasingly living in an era of free market extremism?


  • Laibach – Leben heißt Leben
  • Picking up girls made easy – The Museum pick up
  • Captain Ahab – I don’t have a dick
  • Nancy Walker – You Irritate Me So
  • Ken Nordine – Miss Cone
  • Kinderkoor De Amsterdamse Lievertjes – Good Morning Starshine
  • Norman Ross – Dr.von Schultz inteview
  • Robert Edwin – Christ Is Changing Everything
  • Tipsy – Oops!
  • Paul Eakins – March Medley

Edge2.164 EZ tunes tough times.

EZ tunes though times in culture in the Netherlands. In current proposals of the cabinet, new media cultural institutes will be eradicated.. shocking and unacceptable.


  • First two tracks, Sounds in Space by Ken Nordine,
  • Heinz Funk Electric Combo,
  • Looking at Numbers, Ken Nordine,
  • Stock, Hausen & Walkman, Organ Transplant,
  • Taste of Sadness, Walter Wanderley,
  • 7000 Dying Rats,
  • Mike Simpson, Madame Hippo,
  • M.A.Numminen, Wovon man nicht sprechen kann,
  • Frau Gorbatschowa tanzt Bossanova, IFA Wartburg,
  • Christian Marclay
  • Boots, Amazing Dance Band,
  • Teens Question something, Pat Robertson,
  • Säbeltanz, Theo Schumann Combo,
  • John Wayne,
  • Party At Largos House, Man from S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
  • Mal weghören jetzt kommt Werbung, Gert Wilden.

Edge2.163 Jingles ‘n ads

That’s all it is this time round. Or wait some music as well. In order of appearance:

  • Hee leuk een nieuwe jingle, Ronflonflon jingle
  • Rapping With Gas
  • M.A.Numminen
  • Moulinex
  • Batman, John Zorn
  • Elke zomer lekker heet, jingle
  • Hymn, Jopie Vrieze’s Klein Bazuin
  • N-radio, jingle Sjaak Langenberg
  • Negativland, The Perfect Cut (Canned music)
  • Negativland, The Perfect Cut (Rooty poops)
  • Negativland, The Truth in Advertising
  • Meow Meow Meow Meow, ad
  • Coco-cola, French ad
  • KLM Airline, ad
  • Klote Plaat, Ronflonflon jingle
  • Merzbow
  • Discoteca(radio edit), Exchpoptrue
  • Clara Rockmore
  • Fantasy overture, Avon, promo ad
  • Eugene Chadbourne
  • Mal Weghören Jetzt kommt Werbung, Gert Wilden (recording has cut this off at the end, sorry)

All done because of our host, Radio OOG’s new jingle branding.


Edge2.162 Freeform episode 7

It’s freeform time again, so soon after the previous one; is this good or bad? Something for you to judge:

Max Matthews, Bayern Schnellzug Gallop, Rolf Harris’ take on the didgeridoo, John Cage/David Tudor, Luc Ferrari, A Jesus that hits like an atom bomb, Poet Richard Jennings about a pussy, åke Parmerud with recent musique concrete, some Pygmees, an AK-47 and Dr. Jack Van Impe despising rock & roll to wrap it all up.


Edge2.161 MOOG, MOOG, MOOG

Focus on MOOG, Bob and his invention the Moog Synthesizer. Starting early 1950’s Bob’s apparatus had a lasting impact on music production. We will not repeat information about Moog that is widely available on the internet, but instead play a variety of Moog-ed music.

Moog and nothing else.. well that is.


Edge2.160: No Remote

Remote Jeroen had other obligations, so no remote which means less talk, more music and also a few longer pieces than usual. For instance Barry Truax, The Blind Man and Frieder Butzmann’s Zivilization. Further 180 G’s The Playboy Channel, Barrel organ “The Arab” , Zom Zoms and some Aphex Twin.


Edge2.159 Freeform episode 6

Ok, we’re having a freeform cast today. Were we too lazy, bored or just plain looking for some fun? One way to find out. Carl Stalling, Captain Beefheart, The California Poppy Pickers and a mashup titled I Was Made For Loving Virgins.


Edge2.158 Drugs + Internet Failure

Topic of this week: Drugs, but then the program was plagued by internet connectivity problems. Bill Cosby quizing children about drugs, a mad American clergyman raging against LSD, Kraut demons, a paddoman, Dope and Glory by Bea Foote, Stoned Muppets and BIll Hicks. A comprehensive list? Not likely.

If this weeks installment didn’t get you tuned up, we don’t know what will.


Edge2.157 Avantgarde, Avant Garde, Avant-Garde.

Avant-garde is spelled in a variety of ways and the arts it’s referencing can be just as diverse. We played classic avant-garde artists like John Cage with Joan La Barbara, the just passed away Max Mathews, Jan Boerman, but also Raymond Scott, Holger Hiller and many others.

As usual, link below, enjoy.


Edge2.156 Happiness

Oh dear happiness, so easy to achieve, just play some catchy tunes and off you go: Wim T.Schippers, Jean-Jacques Perrey, Yodel, Pipilotti Rist, Happy Days TV tune, the seriously serious Gerard de Vries, Esquivel, Disco Accordion and hold on, Bring Back Those Glorious Years; The Bathrooms Are Coming!

Instant happiness and so cheap, click below and dwell.
