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Category Archives: broadcast

Edge2.174 Troubadours of the past and present – part 2

Political troubadours from South Africa open the show. Apartheid in the sixties and in the noughties juxtaposed. Then we get the human microphone from Occupy Wall Street reported by NPR, the rapper Immortal Technique and remote NYC-based Arthur Elsenaar in skype conversation with remote Jeroen. Again they discuss about OWS which is getting more organized […]


Edge2.173 Troubadours of the past and present – part 1

Edge radio knows no limits when it approaches the genre of singer-songwriter music and broadens it to include throat-singing, live beat-boxing with hip hop lyrics, neo-folk, electronic folk etc. which all are part of the ancient troubadour, or even more ancient bard/rhapsode/griot tradition. Troubadour music according to us is not just some guy playing chord […]


Edge2.172 Retro: back to back from past to present – part 2

Continuing with retro-sounding bands of the oughties who got Abraham’s mustard from bygone decades gathered by local Boukor. Technical difficulties with “copper”-wired remote Jeroen meant a partly lofi retro broadcast (Arthur mentioned this was how Negativland used to do it back in the 80s, in the pre-internet era) using the ancient telephone to listen to […]


Edge2.171 Retro: back to back from past to present – part 1

Music critic Simon Reynolds states in his latest book the last decade – the (n)oughties – has been the most retro ever, speculating we are approaching times with less and less musical innovation. This may be true as the current digital revolution enables lots of cross-fertilization. We at Edge decided to plunge into the history […]


Edge2.170 Apocalypse part 2

Last week’s connection problems were solved, maybe due to our renewed apocalyptic theme? Lots of guitars and boys noise this evening, providing the soundtrack for a rant from Remote Jeroen on the topic of copyright extension. Local Boukor put some hiphop in the mix, a genre that is relatively new to Edge. But you know: […]


Edge2.169 Apocalypse part I

The Summer is gone and Autumn is already around the corner: the first signs of melancholic decay present themselves. We live in turbulent times in which seasons shift and show their respective icy, leafy, scorching and wet teeth when we don’t expect them. The evening of the 6th of September the first autumn storm landed […]


Edge2.168 One before summer

By lack of a better title for this week’s broadcast, then just the playlist as well. Eh no, changes ahead, starting 7 September your local host will be replaced by our infrequent contributor Bouke Mekel and your regular will reappear somewhere half way December. Remote Jeroen will stay where he is, Fryslân, but still present […]


Edge2.167 Godwin and Overton

In response to our discussion last week on the Rob Riemen statement that we are dealing with fascist times in Dutch politics. A word of consideration, warning (?), when using a loaded word like fascism in a discussion. It usually disrupts the discussion and moves the focus away of the issue at hand towards the […]


Edge2.166 35% NL

The ultra rightwing PVV party now demands 35% of radio broadcast time on Radio 2 should consist of Dutch language music. For this reason mostly Dutch spoken music and comedy. Playlist Dutch National anthem; Wilhelmus Koot en Bie – De Tegenpartij Wim Schippers – Wat Een Lul Theo Maassen – Van binnen zijn we allemaal blank […]


Edge2.165: Halbe

And so another Edge, finding the edge or is it the current government trying to find the edge of tolerance in nl with the current budget cuts on culture? Are we increasingly living in an era of free market extremism? Playlist: Laibach – Leben heißt Leben Picking up girls made easy – The Museum pick […]
